The Team At Credit Now Are Proud To Provide Results That Aim To Make Your Life Better In Every Way Possible.
As Highlighted Below, Many Of Our Services Reflect The Changing Needs Of Our Drivers.
At Credit Now We Believe In Making A Difference In The Lives Of Those Who Choose To Work With Us.
Among our many services, you can enjoy the benefits that come from a company that rewards its clients with better rates when they decide to trade up their vehicle. Let us work with you and contribute positively to your life and your driving experience by offering a reduction in your interest rate by allowing you to trade-up your vehicle. Customers, like Peter, have come back to us after rebuilding their credit through our specialized program. When he brought home his new Lancer we were able to offer the incentive to improve his situation by cutting his previous rate in half! Ask about our policies and find out how this system can work for you!
Because so many of our younger clients asked us to help them develop a credit score that will put them on the track to success we offer a special program tailored just for those starting to establish their credit. Most will qualify will qualify for affordable rates if they are working full time and have paid their cell phone bill or small credit on time for the last 6 months. With CrediNow you could be driving your next vehicle in no time just like Jason and countless others who have made the right decision by choosing our intuitive and effective program!
Unlike so many other car lenders out there, you can expect a hands-on experience when you work with CreditNow. While we believe that offering dedicated solutions and options for our clients there are many who tell us how surprised they are when they learn that we are happy to set up their appointment to come to choose the vehicle they'll be diving home. We work hard to ensure that you get an opportunity to fix your credit and will have a great experience you will want to share with your friends.
It doesn't matter if you live in downtown Vancouver or far to the North -- CreditNow is here for you wherever you live to get you the rates and the solutions that make sense and has a positive effect on your life. Clients in remote areas of BC are always delighted to discover that we have the largest network of lenders covering the most locations throughout the province. We are able to leverage technology to arrange your financing sooner than you think on your next vehicle and get you back on the road without hassle or complications! Apply today with CreditNow!